Thursday, 7 September 2023

Impress the IELTS Speaking Examiner top tips to crack your exam

If you are planning to take the IELTS exam recently then you surely don't want to miss out on the amazing tips presented in this article to impress your speaking examiner. The Speaking assessment holds great significance within the context of the IELTS examination. It evaluates one's aptitude for effective communication in English. Although the IELTS speaking test may initially appear challenging, with consistent practice and making a good impression on your examiner in the speaking test you can enhance your score and contribute to an improved overall IELTS score.

Top Tips to Enhance Your IELTS Speaking Score: Make an Impression on the Examiner

During the IELTS Speaking test, your speaking abilities are meticulously evaluated by the examiner, taking into account specific criteria such as fluency, coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Following are some tips that you can consider if you want to achieve your desired bands:

Greet the Examiner

Upon entering the speaking room, it is important to create a positive impression from the start and make sure that you close the door gently and confidently and approach your seat, greeting the examiner with a polite greeting depending on the time of day. A genuine smile can go a long way in establishing a favorable rapport with the examiner and this courteous behavior not only creates a favorable impression but also instills a sense of comfort within yourself.


Facial Expressions

You should maintain a positive and confident demeanor, expressing it through facial expressions and gestures such as smiling and offering gratitude. It is particularly important not to immediately sit down when the examiner is standing. Instead, you should wait for the examiner to sit first and wait for the examiner to allow you to sit.

Body language and dressing

Although it is not mentioned in the assessment criteria it is advisable to be mindful of your body language during the speaking test. You should feel comfortable and maintain an upright posture. Below are some tips that you can consider:

  • Avoid leaning back on the chair; instead, sit comfortably but maintain an upright posture.
  • Keep your hands resting on your thighs, either on the table or the examiner's desk.
  • Make eye contact with the examiner.

Additionally, dressing appropriately in decent and formal attire is suggested. You should consider opting for brighter shades as they tend to create a sense of freshness and comfort for the examiner. It is suggested to wear clothes that you feel comfortable with.

Speak with Confidence

After the greeting and presenting good body language, you start having a conversation with the examiner and from here your speaking starts. Hence, the very crucial tip here is to communicate with confidence. Displaying confidence is very important as it demonstrates your ease in conversing in English and your fearlessness in expressing thoughts and ideas.

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Avoid the Use of Fillers

Along with speaking with confidence, it is crucial to communicate clearly and effectively with the examiner. You should not use fillers such as "um," "uh," "like," "you know," and "sort of." These fillers present an idea that you are under-confident and short of ideas, which creates a bad impression. Instead, you can replace fillers with transitional phrases that indicate your thought process or provide a smooth flow to your speech. For instance, use phrases like "Let me think," "In my opinion," "On the other hand," or "To illustrate."

Utilize a Diverse Vocabulary

Employing a wide range of vocabulary is another effective means of impressing the examiner. It showcases your strong command of the language and your ability to express yourself clearly and precisely. Using synonyms, idioms, and phrasal verbs adds depth and variety to your language, making your speech more engaging. To enhance your vocabulary, consider reading English newspapers, books, or magazines and making notes of new words and phrases.

Provide Relevant Examples

When responding to a question in the Speaking test, you should offer pertinent examples that support your answer. This demonstrates your comprehension of the question and your ability to apply knowledge to real-life situations. Examples add depth and complexity to your language, making your speech more captivating. To provide relevant examples, contemplate specific situations or experiences that relate to the topic. For instance, if asked about your favorite hobby, share specific activities you enjoy and describe how they make you feel. This approach enhances the engagement and memorability of your response.

Pay Attention to the Question

It is crucial to listen attentively to the question, understand what the examiner is asking, and respond accordingly. If the question is unclear, do not hesitate to ask the examiner for clarification or repetition, you can say "Apologies, Could you please come again/ repeat the question?". This will aid in grasping the main idea and purpose of the question. For example, if asked about your favorite book, concentrate on the keyword "favorite" and reflect on why the book holds significance for you.

Demonstrate Interest: Focus on Intonation

Expressing interest and enthusiasm about the topic is another effective way to impress the examiner. It conveys your active participation in the conversation and your passion for the subject matter. Furthermore, it helps establish rapport with the examiner and makes the conversation more enjoyable. To demonstrate interest and enthusiasm, adopt a lively and enthusiastic tone of voice. Utilize appropriate intonation and stress to highlight important points, showcasing your passion for the topic. You can also ask the examiner questions or share your thoughts and experiences to demonstrate your genuine interest.

Avoid fake Accents

You must not imitate someone else's speaking style or use words that you are not comfortable with. Strive to speak in a natural and conversational tone because you won't score great bands if you showcase yourself in a different unnatural accent. Utilize words and phrases that you are comfortable with and that come naturally to you.

After the IELTS Speaking Test

The conclusion of the IELTS Speaking test is indicated by phrases such as "That's all" or "That concludes the Speaking test." Typically, candidates respond with a simple "Thank you, goodbye." However, to leave a lasting impression, it is recommended to express gratitude more appreciatively, such as: "Thank you for your time.

Don't's for the IELTS speaking test

  • Do not memorize answers.
  • Do not stop speaking, you may take a slight pause but you need to keep speaking.
  • Do not give one-word answers, express your thoughts clearly.
  • Do not go out of the topic, provide relevant information only.
  • Do not stop on the cue card for two minutes or before the examiner stops you.
  • Do not use complex grammar and high-level vocabulary, speak naturally.
  • Do not ask personal questions to the examiner like your bands and more.
  • Do not try to know what the examiner is noting down.
  • Do not interrupt the examiner, wait for the examiner to finish.
  • Do not raise your tone, focus on your intonation.
  • Do not overuse academic or technical jargon.
  • Do not rush your speech, your flow of speaking should be balanced.
Do's in IELTS Speaking
  • Express relevant points and explanations.
  • Use supportive examples
  • Speak in a natural conversation.
  • Use appropriate grammar and sentence structures.
  • Listen carefully to the examiner's instructions.
  • Speak clearly and confidently.
  • Use a variety of vocabulary.
  • Provide extended responses.
  • Stay calm and maintain a good impression.
Top Phrases to Use in the IELTS Speaking
  • Without a doubt, …
  • In all seriousness, …
  • To be honest, …
  • As you might guess, …
  • This may surprise you, but …
  • I'm not sure if you agree, but …
  • As I mentioned earlier, …
  • To answer your question, …
  • You may disagree, but I think …
Know the details of the IELTS Speaking test format

Introduction & Interview (4-5 minutes)

The speaking test begins with the examiner requesting your name and identification. Then you will be asked general questions about yourself and the place where you reside. Subsequently, you will be presented with a variety of familiar topics, such as music preferences, cooking, weather, or favorite movies. The examiner will inquire about one or two of these topics. The examiner might ask you to elaborate if your answers are too concise.

Cue Card: Speaking on a particular topic (2-3 minutes)

In this part, the examiner will assign you a topic and ask you to speak about it for one to two minutes. You will receive a card containing the topic, along with a piece of paper and a pencil to make notes. The card will provide the speaking prompt and include some suggested points that you can address during your talk. You will have precisely one minute to prepare and jot down your notes before you begin speaking. The examiner will use a timer and notify you when your time is up. They will instruct you to start your talk and remind you that they will stop you after two minutes. The points provided on the task card will assist you in organizing your thoughts and ensuring that you speak for the entire two minutes.

Follow-Up: Two-way discussion (4 to 5 minutes)

This part involves a two-way discussion that is directly related to the topic you spoke about in your cue card. In this section, the examiner will engage in a more extensive conversation with you during this part and may request that you provide justifications for your opinions. This allows them to assess your ability to effectively communicate abstract ideas, as compared to the personal topics discussed in previous parts.

Conclusive Thoughts

Overall, by following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can make a positive impression on the examiner and improve your overall score. Remember, practice is key. By consistently practicing these strategies and techniques, you can enhance your performance in the IELTS Speaking test and achieve your desired bands. Good luck!

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